Here are a few tips on how to respond to angry tenants:
1. Listen
– taking the time to really listen to your tenants when an issue comes up shows them that you value them and care about what they are experiencing. Listen to your tenants with undivided attention until they are done talking and do not interrupt them.
2. Understand
– seek to understand your tenants. Validate what they are experiencing. Don’t seek to be understood first and don’t listen only with the intent on responding with your argument.
3. Affirm
– remind your tenants that you are on their side. Remind them that you are working with them and not against them. Let them know that you want to do your best to find a solution that is best for both of you.
4. Action
– actually dealing with the tenant’s concerns in a timely manner and updating them with progress reports. The results may or may not come out in their favor. However, the tenant will recognize that you heard them and their concerns and made an effort to resolve their issues.
At the end of the day, if this is your response, the worst thing that you have done is made your tenant feel valued and understood as well as let them know that you are intentionally seeking the best solution for the both of you. However, maybe you are simply a landlord who does not want to deal with conflict resolution when it comes to your tenants. If that is you, we have a solution for you!
You can hire a property manager to act as a median between you and your tenants. A property manager will handle the communication between you and your tenants as well as bring resolution to any conflicts that come up between you and your tenants. If you would like to hire a property manager in Redding to take your relationships with your tenants out of your hands, Authority Property Management has over 20 years of experience doing property management in Redding and would love to serve you! Feel free to give us a call at 530-410-6085.