Best and Worst Pets for Apartments


Pets & Apartments & You.

Now that you have decided to bring in a new pet family friend, congratulations are in order! However, having a pet is a big, but fun, responsibility, especially if you are living in a city apartment. That said, ensuring that your pet is compatible with your lifestyle is critical to finding the right one for you. While all pets are unique, a few tend to work well in apartments – others don’t. Below is a carefully drafted list of apartment friendly and unfriendly pets to help you find that ultimate pet friend for life.
Dog and Cat

The Best


94.2 million people in America would rather keep cats, compared to 89.7 million dog owners, and they make the perfect apartment pets. As long as their owners are dedicated to providing play and exercise opportunities, cats don’t require walking outside. In addition, they are creative in making good use of vertical spaces, including your window sills, shelving, and furniture.

No matter how small your apartment is, it is large enough for a cat, when you install furnishings that provide it with plenty of vertical space. Just like humans, cats are also happy been left alone and ruling over their space.

Small dogs

If you are more of a dog person, small dogs like Chihuahua, Shih Tzu, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel can flourish in apartments. However, some bigger dogs like Greyhounds can live well in apartments, and they are considered the dog’s world couch potatoes. These big dogs do require regular exercises all through the day to stretch their legs.

No matter the size of your dog, it’s critical that you have an apartment with easy access to a yard for activity and socializing. Fortunately, an online resource like this site offers a great choice of apartments for dogs. The yard helps foster long-term relationships while lowering stress levels in your furry friend.

Some reptiles

Some of the best apartment-friendly reptiles are the Kingsnake, Milk Snake, and Garter Snake. Other reptiles like turtles and tortoises are less intimidating than snakes and very social. However, you should be aware that some reptiles could reach intimating adult sizes. Furthermore, the requirements of an adult-sized reptile change so it is best you are aware to prevent unwanted future surprises.

The Worst

Big birds

Bigger birds like macaws and parrots are intelligent and prefer constant interaction with similarly sized birds. They are also noisy and require advanced care that can be expensive, but they can be a family member for more than 50 years. Due to their ear-splitting squawks, neighbors can complain and landlords usually side with them, even when birds are permitted.

Ferrets and sugar gliders

Ferrets are extremely cute and photogenic, but they also require a copious amount of space and plenty of it. In addition, they are very active and love to run and burrow. The same applies to sugar gliders who also require a companion or they become depressed and suffer health issues.

Creepers and crawlers

Critters such as Emperor Scorpions, Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, African Centipedes, and Tarantulas can stay in small enclosures and require simple care. However, such pets require live food, meaning that you need to have a supply of insect delicacies like mealworms and crickets. A bigger downside to keeping them as pets is the risk of a sting or bite.


While apartment living brings you a set of advantages, for pet lovers, the downside is that they cannot keep some pets because they are too noisy, too large, too active or just unsuitable for apartment living. The list above can act as a starting guide to finding a pet that will flourish in an apartment.

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Disclaimer: The content on this blog is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal or advice. Consult with a qualified professional for specific advice.

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